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  • Help the public and landowners when archaeological discoveries are inadvertently made.

  • Undertake new research projects which serve a public benefit.

  • Develop a physical centre for the organisation which would be open to the public and display artifacts for everyone to benefit from.

  • Develop a fund to provide assistance to individuals from marginalised groups to study heritage in Ontario.

  • To establish an educational program to reach students and other members of the public so they can learn about Ontario's rich history.


Founding Members 

OCARE is currently investigating developing a membership which would allow members of the public to become more engaged in the organisation.


Position: President


Ryan holds a professional archaeological licence (P208) and has 22 years experience undertaking archaeological research and assessments.  Ryan has extensive archaeological field experience in Ontario and internationally in Belize.


He specialises in archaeological predictive modelling, recreating and interpreting paleo and post-glacial environments, archaeological resource management, and public education. 

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Ryan Primrose, M.A., B.Ed.

Position: Vice President


David holds a professional consulting archaeological licence (P1040) and has 10 years of experience.  David's previous research involved Public Issues Anthropology with an emphasis on site preservation.


David's current research involves the early fur trade period which aims to discover the location of the first French trade post in Ontario, as well as several other early posts.


He is also pursuing research into the first inhabitants along the southern Lake Ojibway shoreline in the Nighthawk Lake area.  

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David Gadzala, M.A.


Position: Vice President 


Although principally engaged as an attorney, Lisa's childhood dream was to be involved with archaeology.  During the incorporation of OCARE she was made a director, and now has an opportunity to pursue archaeology in a not-for-profit manner. 


She is looking forward to developing her knowledge and skill in Ontario archaeology.  Her background in law provides the necessary clarity to move OCARE into full charitable status.  



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Lisa Neil, L.L.B, Neil Law Office

Position: Staff 


Michael has been involved in the study of archaeology and First Nation history for nearly 50 years and holds a professional consulting archaeological licence (P022).  He is an impassioned researcher and particularly interested in the early contact period of Lake Superior and Northern Ontario.

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Michael O'Connor, B.A.


Position: Staff


Josée has been involved in archaeology since 2016 andholds an applied research licence (R1344).


Her current research involves the practical and theoretical applications of 3D digital modelling and reconstructions as well as GIS mapping developments in relation to studies in landscape archaeology. She is also interested in the theory and politics of cultural heritage management.


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Josée Boulanger Renson, B.A. 

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